
Igor Piovano et Kathryn Bradney

Théâtre Métropole Lausanne

The 16th and 17th of mai 2009

Dancers in the main roles

Kathryn Bradney, Igor Piovano

Julie Lamby, Pasquale Alberico

Giuliano Cardone

PHOTOS Pierluigi Abbondanza

VIDÉO Igokat Film Productions

COSTUME DESIGNER École de Couture de Lausanne



DVD PRODUCER Igokat Film Production

Global warming is our theme.

A ballet to explain that only one solution is possible:

Which one?

Each of us must contribute.


By doing what everyone does best.

We are dancing!

We seek to sensitize spectators to the fact that the most beautiful scenario, the most beautiful setting that we can imagine is the one in which we live every day:

Our dear planet.

The most diverse music will be the common thread of the show, from classical to the most modern without exception.

Some were composed for this creation by Enzo Miraglia, a Swiss composer and painter.

Do you also want to contribute?

Send this message to everyone you know and together we will be stronger because:

“An almost perfect world, between the elements there is harmony, complicity and total balance. Air, Earth, Fire and Water, four unique and complementary components. Since the dawn of time, many things have changed…man has given way to his slightest desires in his “evolution”, in defiance of everything that surrounds him. The planet is damaged and the elements are unleashed, a balance that becomes precarious and where only Love remains a reality. A fight doomed to failure because the materialism and selfishness of man are limitless. One last hope, one last light, one last chance:

the 6th Element…the Dance!

The need for a return to our origins in the depth of our instinct.

A rediscovery of our most simple and true necessities: to breathe, to warm up, to eat and the first pleasure since always – Dance. »


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